1886: Herbert Akroyd Stuart builds a prototype hot bulb engine.
1891: Herbert Akroyd Stuart patents an internal combustion engine that uses a "hot bulb" and pressurized fuel injection.
1892: February 23, Rudolf Diesel obtained a patent (RP 67207) titled "Arbeitsverfahren und Ausführungsart für Verbrennungsmaschinen" (Working Methods and Techniques for Internal Combustion Engines).
1892: Akroyd Stuart builds his first working Diesel engine.
1893: Diesel's essay titled Theory and Construction of a Rational Heat-engine to Replace the Steam Engine and Combustion Engines Known Today appeared.
1893: August 10, Diesel built his first working prototype in Augsburg.[17]
1896 Blackstone & Co, a Stamford farm implement they built lamp start oil engines.
1897: Adolphus Busch licenses rights to the Diesel Engine for the US and Canada.[17]
1898: Diesel licensed his engine to Branobel, a Russian oil company interested in an engine that could consume non-distilled oil. Branobel's engineers spent four years designing a ship-mounted engine.
1899: Diesel licensed his engine to builders Krupp and Sulzer, who quickly became major manufacturers.